Sunday, September 12, 2010

Podcast 2- Playful Design

This podcast was about playful design and creative ways to design the user interface to make a better user experience and so that one interface can fit many different people and how to make the user experience less frustrating and more enjoyable. A quote that I found to be interesting was "We’re actually designing experiences that affect how happy people are on a daily basis ..." I thought that was interesting. I didn't think designers and engineers took things so seriously. The thing is when I think about it, it makes a lot of sense because that is true. People visit various websites on the daily for different reason, and the interesting between the user and the interface can indeed affect the users mood. Last thing a designer wants is to make something that pisses people off when they use it. This was switching back and forth between the idea of a playful/ enjoyable design and the idea of emotional design. There was this one part were they were talking about a test run for this pet charity thingy and the design they used was supposed to make people feel sorry for the animals or something I guess, anyway they used like a sad looking puppy or something and the first person to look at it started crying because it made her think of her dead pet. I thought that was kinda interesting. I mean, that's a lot of emotion O_O. One of the guest compares the interface design to learning a musical instrument. I didn't really get that too much, but the way they explained it was they want the interface to be something that the user "co-creates" so that they have their fair share in expressing themselves and catering it to themselves BUT also have game like element so that they don't go overboard and turn the experience into something the designer didn't want or something like that.

All in all I thought this one was okay. A little over my head but I understood some parts and the general idea. I really thought that quote was interesting because like I said, I never thought that way before.

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