Sunday, October 3, 2010

Podcast 5- Inspired Focus

Found here:

This is about how to expand your learning horizons in web design. They talk about how it's better to learn more about something you don't already know of. They talked about a few different methods to memorize and apply the new things that you'd learn. The main way they highlighted was somehow condensing what you learn and like having notes that you can access at any time. One dude use a deck of cards. 52 cards each with a different skill or tactic on it. Whenever he started a new project he'd pick a random card with an idea on it and implement it in his design. I think that's kinda cool. Probably not something I'd do but smart none the less.

Okay, I know this posting is bullshit and not very well put together, but I actually do have a reason today. I'm going through a lot of personal problems. I know it's not supposed to affect my work or whatever but it is. I'm not asking your to like grade me on a curve or anything but, I'm just letting you know.

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